A mountain biker looks into the beautiful expanse of the Alps

Cycling Holiday in Austria


What is EuroVelo?

EuroVelo is a network of 17 long distance cycle routes that connects the whole continent of Europe. The routes are also used by locals for everyday trips. Currently there are 17 EuroVelo routes. ECF and its partners aim to complete the entire route network as early as possible.

More about EuroVelo

Discover Austria by bike

In Austria you will find a wide variety of different cycling routes: ranging from easy cycle tours to challenging mountain bike routes. There truly is something for everyone!

The bicycle also unlocks Austria’s rivers and lakes so you can experience them as close as possible - a dip into the chill water provides the perfect refreshment during the heat of the long Austrian summers. On top of this there are excellent train connections along many of the EuroVelo routes.

You can find Austria’s most popular cycle routes here: radtouren.at
Further information is available on the website of the Austrian National Tourist Office: austria.info